Tirso Cruz III and wife Lynn commemorate late son TJ's 39th birthday

Tirso Cruz III and wife Lynn pen emotional messages for their late son TJ, who was supposed to be 39 today, October 22.

PHOTOS: @tirsocruziii on Instagram

Tirso Cruz III and wife Lynn pen emotional messages for their late son TJ, who was supposed to be 39 today, October 22.

On Thursday, October 22, Tirso Cruz III and his wife Lynn took to Instagram to remember their late eldest son TJ, who would have been 39.

It could be recalled that TJ passed away last November 21, 2018 after a battle with lymphatic cancer at the age of 37. Next month would be his second death anniversary.

Ever since his passing, the veteran actor and his wife would make it a habit to post about their eldest son every day on their Instagram pages, ending their posts by saying they miss him so much.

For today, it was not anything different, with Tirso and Lynn maintaining the sweet expression of words for TJ.

For Tirso, he is filled with hope that TJ is looking down on their family from heaven and expressing how they miss him so much.

"GODly heavenly morning TJ! A Happy Happy birthday to you up there in heaven my first born son," he wrote in a caption for TJ's throwback photo. "We can only imagine how wonderful your birthday celebration must be up there. How I wish I could greet and hug you on this special day. The day when the Lord gave you to me and your mama."

"I hope you're allowed to look down on us in a while. Maybe today since it's your birthday, you may be looking down on us," Tirso added. "So watch out. You might just see us waving back at you."

Tirso went on, narrating how he called Lynn on their son's day and recalled how she was crying.

"She misses you so much. We will forever love you TJ! Missing you oh so much." he concluded.

For her part, Lynn began her special post by recounting how she cried the minute she woke up as she remembered that TJ has been in heaven for almost two years.

"Sad because I am truly missing you alot, but I am comforted knowing that you are in the arms of the Most High, our Lord and Almighty God," she wrote.

She, then, expressed gratitude towards the Lord for the gift of eternal life through Jesus as TJ received it when he was still alive.

"It was the best decision he has ever made when he was still here with us," she said, before quoting John 3:16 from the Bible.


I love and miss you Teej! I woke up this morning with tears rolling down from my eyes to my pillow as I remember that it’s been 23 months since you’ve been gone. Sad because I am truly missing you alot, but I am comforted knowing that you are in the arms of the Most High, our Lord and Almighty God. I praise and thank the Lord for the gift of eternal life through His Jesus Christ which TJ received when he was still here on earth. It was the best decision he has ever made when he was still here with us. For the Lord promised in John 3:16: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” #thankyouLord #thankyouJesus #tjcruz #teejaycruz 10-21-2020

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In another post, Lynn posted a compilation of photos of TJ, while adding that October 22 is an emotional day as she recalled the day he was born.

"As we were staring at your cute little face, everything was just so perfect. And I remember telling your Papa 'Our baby looks like an angel.'" she recalled.

She, once again, thanked the Lord for giving them TJ as their first child.

"We love and miss you Teej! Enjoy your birthday celebration with the One who love[s] you the most, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ," she said, before quoting Luke 20:36 from the Bible.


Today, October 22 could have been my eldest son TJ’s 39th birthday here on earth (he joined our Creator a month after celebrating his 37th birthday and he was confined already). Another emotional day as I remember the day when you were born, the joy you gave me and your Papa. As we were staring at your cute little face, everything was just so perfect. And I remember telling your Papa, “Our baby boy looks like an angel.” I thank the Lord for He blessed us with you as our first born child! We love and miss you Teej! Enjoy your birthday celebration with the One who love you the most, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Luke 20:36 For they cannot die anymore, because they are equal to angels and are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection. #thankyouLord #thankyouJesus #tjcruz #teejaycruz P.S. thank you @preza_diana for the special video you made for my son TJ. 10-22-2020

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Happiest 39th in heaven, TJ!

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