FULL MOVIE: Noel Juico, Raymart Santiago’s debut action starrer that made him an action prince

Directed by Deo J. Fajardo, Jr., Noel Juico also stars Edu Manzano, Kier Legaspi, Sheila Ysrael, Evangeline Pascual, Pinky de Leon, Daniel Fernando, Roi Vinzon, Ruel Vernal, Ana Atienza, Cris Aguilar, Perla Bautista, Edgar Ebro, Jett Pangan, and Lito Pimentel.

Photos: Viva Films/ PBO

Directed by Deo J. Fajardo, Jr., Noel Juico also stars Edu Manzano, Kier Legaspi, Sheila Ysrael, Evangeline Pascual, Pinky de Leon, Daniel Fernando, Roi Vinzon, Ruel Vernal, Ana Atienza, Cris Aguilar, Perla Bautista, Edgar Ebro, Jett Pangan, and Lito Pimentel.

After a string of comedy movies, Viva decided to transition the young Raymart Santiago to the action genre via Noel Juico 16: Batang Kriminal in 1991.

He did not disappoint. His first foray into action, in fact, became his passport into becoming the action prince of his time.

Directed by Deo J. Fajardo, Jr., Noel Juico also stars Edu Manzano, Kier Legaspi, Sheila Ysrael, Evangeline Pascual,  Pinky de Leon, Daniel Fernando, Roi Vinzon, Ruel Vernal, Ana Atienza, Cris Aguilar, Perla Bautista, Edgar Ebro, Jett Pangan, and Lito Pimentel. 

You can now watch Raymart Santiago’s debut action starrer for FREE by clicking the video link below:



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